The East Coast is really lucky this superstorm was not closer to the coast.. Really lucky that the 100 MPH winds stayed mostly out to sea.. this could have been a disater of epic proportions. Instead it was a murderous event for the fish at sea..

Bill Maher and Bob Saget mock AL Franken’s breast grab photo.. People calling it #MeTooSoon..
New Scientist magazine has called 2018 “The Year of the Flu” because this year’s influenza outbreak is showing signs of being the most lethal and severe since the 1918 “Great Influenza” pandemic that infected a third of the world’s population and killed between 20 and 50 million people. MORE: New Scientist‘s Deborah MacKenzie wrote, “A record number of flu strains are currently circulating, two in the influenza B group and two influenza A strains, H1N1 and H3N2. H3N2 is the real problem. Our strongest immunity is to the first kind of flu we caught. Between 1918 and 1968, no H3N2 viruses circulated as winter flu, so people born before 1968 have weaker immunity to it.”..

Tech giant is rolling out new robots to replace workers in hotels, airports and supermarkets! MORE: South Korean tech giant LG Electronics said Thursday it will showcase three new “concept robots” at next week’s consumer electronics show in Las Vegas.. A McKinsey report released in November said that up to 800 million workers could be affected globally by automation and the rise of artificial intelligence.. Tech companies are testing robots to carry out various tasks that could affect the services industry, which employs nearly 50 percent of the global workforce, according to the International Labor Organization..