Yes that indeed was a disgusting scene in Brand New Cherry Flavor

A lot of attention is suddenly being paid to the Netflix show. It began when a TikTok user told followers to watch the part in episode 4..

We did too.

We won’t forget it for all the wrong reasons..

Media attention has now been placed on the scene.. it even made a splash headline on the Drudge Report today..

Spoiler alert here in case you’ll want to view it yourself, but this is what happens:

In episode four the moment which “scarred people for life” sees Lisa invite her lover Roy over, but before he arrives she gets a wound on her stomach and another kitten pops out of it.

Undeterred by the kitten-producing gash across Lisa’s stomach, Roy sticks his whole hand right in there and they both get very turned on. So much so he throws her on the bed and have what then looks like fairly normal consensual sex, considering the foreplay.

Now you know if you didn’t already..