Stranger Things: Centralia the lost town, an interview with director Joe Sapienza

Before beginning, a few tidbits of information need revealing. I was born and raised in Centralia. At least for a time, until my family was forced out along with many others in the 1980s. The time was strange.. as a child, it felt surreal. Upended.. odd…last minute rites to a town that was. And as … Read moreStranger Things: Centralia the lost town, an interview with director Joe Sapienza

While walking in nearby woods yesterday evening I came across…

While walking in nearby woods yesterday evening I came across some strange slightly-snow covered oddities.. The woods are strange in general to me.. Quiet but yet somehow they reserve secrets that trees are just dying to speak of if only they could .. But these two sights, carvings on trees and a shack on the … Read moreWhile walking in nearby woods yesterday evening I came across…