Mila the witch, Carrey the non-violent, and a statute that spins: The Tuesday update

TUESDAY JUNE 25 2013 June 25: The best day of summer.. Seismologists continue to montitor Carson City quake cluster.. Snowden and NSA update: Snowden still running.. Amnesty International says the United States should NOT hunt Edward Snowden.. NSA: Global blowback Original whistle blower Russ Tice says he saw wiretap orders of Obama in 2004.. Source … Read moreMila the witch, Carrey the non-violent, and a statute that spins: The Tuesday update

Earthquakes, tsunamis, and Doctor Simon Atkins

A relatively large earthquake took place along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge yesterday.. a 6.6 magnitude quake produced obviously no damage or tsunami.. but the location surely raised eyebrows when you consider that, earlier this month, a tsunami struck New Jersey! It’s true.. it happened earlier this month and the NOAA confirmed it Monday.. I posted a … Read moreEarthquakes, tsunamis, and Doctor Simon Atkins