UFO video filmed by Navy personnel confirmed to be real ahead of June Pentagon report due date

A NEW Navy video appears to show a UFO whizzing through the sky before dropping into the ocean – and an ex-pilot has said the military “sees them all the time.”

Te bizarre orb was caught flying by the Navy ship USS Omaha in July 2019.. personnel tracked it with a targeting camera.

A still image taken back on July 15, 2019, aboard the USS Omaha floating off San Diego, shows a strange orb-like object flying around before diving into the Pacific Ocean

The images and footage were published by investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell on Mystery Wire, and noting that the incident took place on the evening of July 15, 2019, off the coast of San Diego.

Pentagon spokesperson confirmed last month that one of the freeze-frame images Corbell published was recorded by US Navy personnel, according to Mystery Wire.

Former Navy Lieutenant Ryan Graves recalled seeing bizarre objects just like the one that soared around the Omaha.

In fact, he said he and his fellow pilots saw them zipping through the skies above restricted Virginia Beach, Virginia, airspace on a daily basis. 

“Everyday, everyday for at least a couple of years,” he told CBS 60 Minutes in an interview to air on Sunday.

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The summer time heat will bring some additional hot moments: UFO mania will take place in June..

Thanks to the provision signed last year by Trump into the COVID relief bill, a Pentagon report on UFOs is set to be released on June 1..

Only days away now..