Election year

An already tumultuous day is getting more tense with suspicious Robo calls being made across the nation, and the Washington POST saying they are spooking people who are receiving them.. The information that is received is that there is a call going around to various people across the country stating stay home and stay safe … Read moreElection year

Witches ready to cast a spell on Donald Trump

www.the-sun.com/news/1678082/witches-donald-trump-biden-election/ More: Taking their efforts online, the witches have been using the hashtags #BindTrump and #MagicResistance to join their forces to create a “Blue Wave” spell on October 31 and on November 2. One of the identified witches in the Facebook group Bind Trump (Official), which has over 6,100 members, also called for magic to … Read moreWitches ready to cast a spell on Donald Trump

Going on record with an election prediction

We could be VERY VERY wrong.. but those who read the HORROR REPORT back in 2016 may recall that we got the election correct. Well, maybe minus a few states. This time.. we are going for broke. And chaos.. There are reports that people want to bug out before election day. Perhaps they, like us, … Read moreGoing on record with an election prediction

Political stories to share in the dark

Facebook and Twitter have both been accused of violating the first amendment rights of the New York Post by censoring an article that the post published referencing emails found about Hunter Biden. I would say you can go to Twitter or Facebook to find the article but you cannot. The article has been banned from … Read morePolitical stories to share in the dark


Shock and awe across both political and judicial landscapes took place Friday night with the passing of 87 year old Ruth Bader Ginsburg.. Chief Justice John Roberts said: “Our Nation has lost a jurist of historic stature. We at the Supreme Court have lost a cherished colleague. Today we mourn, but with confidence that future … Read moreGINSBURG DOES NOT WANT HER SEAT FILLED UNTIL NEW PRESIDENT ‘INSTALLED’