A fun flashback: The day that Art Bell got his alien

A blast from the past, courtesy of an upload from Joshua P. Warren a few years back on Youtube..

The famed alien statute that radio legend Art Bell inherited from Rush Limabugh–fans came to know it and appreciate it when Bell was alive and well.

Back on Warren’s podcast on February 29, 2020, he spoke about Carville the alien. He gave the story behind the puzzle of Art’s inheritance from El Rushbo back in the day.

During the event when Limbaugh gave him the Gray, Art Bell was doing a joint event at a radio convention on March 10, 2001 with Matt Drudge..

The following video, short and sweet, gives a glimpse of what many of us recalled living through.. and what many newbies never saw.

These were the days of giants…

Those days are long gone.