The evolving drone wars: How Obama redefined ‘civilian’

Yesterday Earth Informer reported about the New York TIMES story on President Obama and how he has a secret kill list. Today, we offer this food for thought on the ever changing definitions of ‘combatants’ and ‘civilians’ in the new drone wars taking place across the world: Yet another report describes an upcoming book written by Daniel … Read moreThe evolving drone wars: How Obama redefined ‘civilian’


This news comes from across the pond—but if it is happening in the UK why would it not be happening in the US of A? According to the reports circulating, Google purposely used Street View cars to steal personal information from people in Britain for years, and then they covered it up for years. The … Read moreGOOGLE PURPOSELY STOLE PRIVATE INFORMATION FOR YEARS AND COVERED IT UP

A must read from the New York TIMES on Obama’s kill list

President Richard Nixon was heavily criticized in media and pop culture in the 1970s when news broke that he had a secret enemy’s list. Who was on it? Journalists.. religious leaders.. maybe sometimes even his own staff and people within his own Administration. Fast forward to the challenging post-9/11 world: President Obama scrapped the enemy’s list and … Read moreA must read from the New York TIMES on Obama’s kill list