The cash count for TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: OUT OF THE SHADOWS is already flowing..
The weekend may not be EPIC as Mikey may say, but the movie should finish semi-strong..

It cost $135 million to make.. It’s opening weekend is currently being projected by insiders at $31 million–that is a flatline compared to the thought a few weeks back that Michael Bay may exceed $50 mil for the opener..

According to sources quoted by Deadline this morning, the faltering Turtles box haul is being blamed early on the target market shift. Instead of playing to Generation X and Y nostalgia, they went the family friendly route and advertised heavily on Nick, especially during the Ninja Turtles cartoon and Spongebob.

Being that I have a 5-year-old, I have grown to love Spongebob and the Ninja Turtles Cartoon. So no complaints from me, but the overall box dollars may suffer compared to the marketing campaign for the original.

But maybe sequels to TMNT just don’t work?
OR …maybe June releases aren’t good either.

This weekend, me included, millions of people will be attending graduation parties. This is graduation weekend. Competition to movie theaters is stiff ..

Maybe an August release, like the original had in ’14, would have been better.