Several religious websites were shocked to learn that Tom Brady considers his wife a good witch..

Even more, the 7-time Super Bowl champion player also said his wife Gisele erects altars and performs rituals so he will win.. something he claims he “stopped questioning a long time ago.”

Gisele apparently has Tom Brady “protection stones” to secure his fate..

But this news is not new!

It was reported years ago!

The BLAZE showcased the information in 2019..

CBS in Boston also did promoted the oddity in February 2019..

Later in 2019, NEWSWEEK reported that Tom Brady said his wife correctly predicted every time he would win a Super Bowl, writing that according to Brady, his wife also correctly predicted the Patriots would win the Super Bowl in 2014, 2016 and in 2019, while at the same time telling him the Patriots would not taste glory in 2015.

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When this information was presented to the consuming masses in 2019, Brady had just won his 6th Super Bowl while playing for the New England Patriots.. He told media,

“She always makes a little altar for me at the game, because she just wills it so much,” Brady said. “So she put together a little altar for me that I can bring with pictures of my kids, and I have these little special stones and healing stones and protection stones, and she has me wear this necklace, and take these drops she makes, and I say all these mantras, and I stopped questioning her a long time ago.”

The news resurfaced now because of the newest victory..No word on her prediction for 2021.. But Brady won again. Speculation has intensified on whether the Brady family used the famed witchery again..

Meanwhile, the good witch Gisele went on Instragram to tell her followers of her happiness of Brady’s win after a rough year..
