All the trouble in the world: Korean Peninsula edition

Planes diverted to avoid North Korean rocket launch And there is more.. Voters in South Korea have largely ignored the North’s threat of a rocket launch by voting in parliamentary elections.. And as far as the threat from new leader Kim in the North, what is the real truth on the rocket launch possibility? Experts seem to … Read moreAll the trouble in the world: Korean Peninsula edition

We all glow down here: Study shows just how much radiation has covered the world since Fukushima

This photo has been making the rounds on Facebook and other social networking sites over the past several weeks.. We’d be remiss not to address it on Earth Informer. The image is a model of that appeared in the Journal of Environmental Radioactivity *something you don’t find on many newstands* shows just how vast and … Read moreWe all glow down here: Study shows just how much radiation has covered the world since Fukushima

A manic Monday: Just a few ..

This March has been the hottest year on record since 1895! Mike Wallace dead.. Tim Teblow sermons to tens of thousands on Easter.. Thomas Kinkade dead.. autopsy set.. Controversy brews over honeybee die-off and pesticides.. Radioactive kept found in California–Fukushima related..