The website 4chan rears its head in relation to Adam Lanza

According to a report today Adams Lanza may have posted on 4Chan an intention to kill on Friday.. Paul Joseph Watson from Infowars writes: The post, which appeared on the 4Chan website, was made at 22:18 on Wednesday night by a user called ‘iKTatjYX’ who stated, “I’m going to kill myself on Friday and it … Read moreThe website 4chan rears its head in relation to Adam Lanza

“If they started crying, I would take their face and tell them, ‘It’s going to be OK.’ I wanted that to be the last thing they heard, not the gunfire in the hall.” —Sandy Hook Elementary First-grade teacher Kaitlin Roig

Altercation the day before?

A flash being sent out from NBC news: NBC’s Pete Williams has more information on a report that Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza may have been involved in an altercation with staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary one day before the murders. Developing ..

Media trying to uncover the real Adam Lanza in the wake of horrific shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School.. The UK SUN is reporting that he was a ‘loner’ and ‘one of the goths’ .. According to the reporting the SUN he may have also suffered from a personality disorder.. Sources tell the SUN: Adam Lanza … Read more

A nation asks ‘why’ as the dead children are taken out of Sandy Hook Elementary School..

The resounding question from the nation in grief: WHY? An investigation will bring us closer to an answer.. But will we ever REALLY have an answer for madness?? A friend emailed me saying this, in part: Mental illness has never been a priority in our government, and these are the results. Change has been long … Read moreA nation asks ‘why’ as the dead children are taken out of Sandy Hook Elementary School..