Tuesday terrors and headlines from the world, including Justin Bieber yet again urinating somewhere in public

TUESDAY JANUARY 21 2014 There’s lots of snow coming for a small sliver of the United States–but a heavily populated one.. It will be lighter with 2 to 4 inches in Pennsylvania, but near the Jersey shore where Chris Christie lurks, 12 to 18 inches of snow possible .. Christie will be buried up to … Read moreTuesday terrors and headlines from the world, including Justin Bieber yet again urinating somewhere in public

SIRI gets creepy

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SjL6-RjAEw]WOW.SIRI is predicting the end of the world.And get this, I tried the same dates the person in this video did and I got the SAME responses.It’s freaky.. strange.. bizarre. And explained here on the CULT OF MAC.They report: Apple’s personal virtual assistant Siri is a smart cookie, but she’s veered towards the apocalyptic … Read moreSIRI gets creepy

Knapp came back

George Knapp is like a cat.. he has 8 more lives to go. Anyone who knows anything about George Knapp will know that he almost died of sepsis—this website was the first to report that weeks ago after learning the exclusive information directly from George Knapp himself.  Last night, he came back to Coast to … Read moreKnapp came back