Somehow this year steamrolled right on through us as human beings. We’re on in this Mandela Affected bizarre Stranger Things-ish world together .. Let’s start acting like it..

BLACK FRIDAY prep.. BUT will people actually shop?

Russian president Putin puts nation’s big businesses on war footing.. Vladimir Putin says all big Russian businesses should be ready for war production..

Representative Joe Barton says sorry over his nude photos online.. He actually should buy 300 million vomit bags for each time an American sees it..

YOUTUBE cracking down on videos that feature child exploitation.. “In the last week we terminated over 50 channels and have removed thousands of videos under these guidelines,” YouTube said in a statement. All of the videos featured below were still up as of Tuesday evening…
Toy Freaks, for example, was a channel in which a single father uploaded clips in which he scared his daughters while bathing, or dressed them up as infants. The channel had 8 million subscribers before YouTube took it down last week.

An interstellar interloper is dashing through our solar system MORE: “This thing is an oddball,” said Karen Meech from the University of Hawaii’s Institute for Astronomy, leader of an international team studying ‘Oumuamua. “What we found was a rapidly rotating object, at least the size of a football field, that changed in brightness quite dramatically. This change in brightness hints that ‘Oumuamua could be more than 10 times longer than it is wide — something which has never been seen in our own solar system.”..

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