Halloween 40 reviews continue to trickle.. and they become more positive about the performances..

This is how Germain Lussier writes his review on the new HALLOWEEN: The latest entry in the Halloween franchise is both a dazzling tribute to the original film as well as a unique, standalone story. It’s filled with deviations from the familiar slasher formula, but it also carefully incorporates an adoration of its predecessor that … Read moreHalloween 40 reviews continue to trickle.. and they become more positive about the performances..

White House aides quietly stunned by Trump’s respectful handling of Kavanaugh accuser

THIS BEING REPORTED BY CNN White House aides who steeled themselves for what President Donald Trump would say when he finally addressed the sexual assault allegation against his Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh were quietly stunned when Trump said the process should be followedand the accuser should be heard.In recent days, Trump has bragged about … Read moreWhite House aides quietly stunned by Trump’s respectful handling of Kavanaugh accuser