The most beautiful time of year at the best place on Earth, Knoebels

I’d you have time you should make the visit. Thankfully this year the Elysburg Park is going to have Christmas lights for the first time.. Good to know .. it is something to look forward to. Meanwhile a few images of Halloween at Knoebels on a cold October night last week. 2020 is not complete … Read moreThe most beautiful time of year at the best place on Earth, Knoebels

Going on record with an election prediction

We could be VERY VERY wrong.. but those who read the HORROR REPORT back in 2016 may recall that we got the election correct. Well, maybe minus a few states. This time.. we are going for broke. And chaos.. There are reports that people want to bug out before election day. Perhaps they, like us, … Read moreGoing on record with an election prediction