‘Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey’ Trailer Turns Pooh and Piglet into Slasher Movie Maniacs!

In this version of the classic story, Christopher Robin is headed off to college and he has abandoned his old friends, which then leads to the duo embracing their inner monsters.

Watch the bloody Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey trailer below!

“Christopher Robin is pulled away from them, and he’s not [given] them food, it’s made Pooh and Piglet’s life quite difficult,” Waterfield recently told Variety, detailing the plot.

“Because they’ve had to fend for themselves so much, they’ve essentially become feral,” the filmmaker continued. “So they’ve gone back to their animal roots. They’re no longer tame: they’re like a vicious bear and pig who want to go around and try and find prey.”
— Read on bloody-disgusting.com/movie/3729797/winnie-the-pooh-blood-and-honey-trailer-turns-pooh-and-piglet-into-slasher-movie-maniacs/

All the blood. All the honey.

This movie is not getting attention because it will be an academy award winner.. but instead because it is shocking in its portrayal of a once innocent character into a monstrous murderer…