Leaving the World behind? It may leave you behind

Planes dropping out of the sky. Your mobile rendered useless, just like your car. As a Netflix film portrays a nightmare that security experts insist is a very real prospect…!

So many weird news coverage about a potential risk of our human civilization becoming crippled. The ‘black swan event’.. the Leave the World Behind movie has put icing on the cake of end times.

So much attention to what could happen if the whole world comes crashing down…

.. with his car’s navigation system out of action, Ethan Hawke’s character Clay Sandford is unable even to find his way to the nearby town.

Our telephone system used to run on sturdy copper wires, with handsets you could fix with a screwdriver. Now it is a branch of cyberspace.

So, too, is finance. Remember when a credit card’s embossed number left an imprint on a paper slip? Not any more. Our payment system depends wholly on electronic encryption.

What use is cash in the modern world? In the film, with the internet gone, it becomes a prized asset.

If the technologies we rely on break down, many of us will be as helpless as Hawke’s Clay Sandford. ‘I am a useless man,’ he howls, as the crutch of technology is kicked from underneath him.
— Read on www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12932373/Planes-dropping-sky-mobile-rendered-useless-just-like-car-Netflix-film-portrays-nightmare-security-experts-insist-real-prospect-survive-day-enemy-state-switches-internet.html

But the fear porn increased into maximum overdrive about this since the movie came out and even shortly before.. Why is not the question, since it is always possible. But why not is the more relevant issue.