The old fashioned war on Christmas revisited

All Christmas activities, including dancing, seasonal plays, games, singing carols, cheerful celebration and especially drinking were banned by the Puritan-dominated Parliament of England in 1644, with the Puritans of New England following suit. Christmas was outlawed in Boston, and the Plymouth colony made celebrating Christmas a criminal offense, according to “Once Upon a Gospel”The Puritans … Read moreThe old fashioned war on Christmas revisited

Sort of a strange little photo making its way around the…

Sort of a strange little photo making its way around the internet..  The painting is called Mr. Pynchon and the Settling of Springfield Mr Pynchon was a successful fur trader who founded Springfield, Massachusetts.. The painting is from 1937.. Most historians say the mystery object is a mirror – used widely in the 17th century But … Read moreSort of a strange little photo making its way around the…


Despite people’s belief system not allowing this information to become fact in their brains, it is true: The Jim Jones cult did not die drinking Kool-Aid. It was Flavor Aid. From a past story detailing the events: The surprising thing is that all the sources on the massacre say the powder was the grape variety … Read moreHISTORY

As Beltane became May Day.. as history turns

One important aspect of May Day often overlooked, along with the Beltane origins, is organized religion worked to overtake the pagan or communist roots with those of the more religiously themed .. Since the 18th century, many Roman Catholics have observed May – and May Day – with various May devotions to the Blessed Virgin … Read moreAs Beltane became May Day.. as history turns

A look into history: The Woman Who Thought This Was the Solution to Painful Childbirth, Until She Died Trying It

A look into history: The Woman Who Thought This Was the Solution to Painful Childbirth, Until She Died Trying It: KRISTINE GADDY WRITES, A German nurse led Charlotte Carmody to the “dearest room imaginable,” with blue and white walls and white frilled curtains. She was expecting a baby boy, and the beauty of the room … Read moreA look into history: The Woman Who Thought This Was the Solution to Painful Childbirth, Until She Died Trying It