Ending the year with #Fogvid24

As we close out another year, it seems we’re once again diving into an online frenzy of conspiracy chatter. This time, it revolves around reports of a peculiar weather anomaly affecting various parts of the globe. The Mysterious Fog.. across Earth. Thick fog has blanketed Ireland and other parts of the United Kingdom, while several … Read moreEnding the year with #Fogvid24

How’s that year end Schumann resonance anxiety treating you?

When the resonance is this high, Saturday nights are all right for anxiety. We do not often provide opinions on the Schumann Resonance; however, based on observations, recent readings appear to be unusually high. Firm believers of the Schumann Resonance claim it directly impacts human well-being, including mental health, emotional balance, and even physical sensations. … Read moreHow’s that year end Schumann resonance anxiety treating you?

Has 101.7 in Tuscaloosa been hijacked by aliens or is it stunting?

There seems to be a fever dream of epic proportions unfolding at 101.7 FM in Tuscaloosa, an alternative rock radio station. Listeners began noticing dramatically strange events within the last several hours. The station, typically known for its alternative rock lineup, suddenly began playing Taylor Swift songs on repeat—followed by Russian versions of her tracks. … Read moreHas 101.7 in Tuscaloosa been hijacked by aliens or is it stunting?

Drones over Dix: Intrigue continues as do sightings in NJ

The drone mystery over Jersey just keeps getting weirder New footage of multiple eerie ‘triangle’ craft flying above New Jersey has only compounded the mystery for locals. At least five or possibly six of the unidentified drones were captured in the new, 50-second cell phone video, which one commenter declared was ‘the clearest video yet.’ One … Read moreDrones over Dix: Intrigue continues as do sightings in NJ

Monkey business now in South Carolina: Lock your windows!

Some people may remember the famed Danville, Pennsylvania monkey Escapade several years ago, when monkeys escaped from a crashed truck in a higbway..  those monkeys were a part of disease studies and people were told to stay indoors and lock their windows. Now  similar circumstances are taking place in South Carolina .. police and authorities … Read moreMonkey business now in South Carolina: Lock your windows!

Trump rally mystery.: 20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona

This strange event would have happened last week. It’s being reported on now. The gateway, pundit and some other sources are picking it up. From their reporting as follows: Arizona Globe journalist Christy Kelly has reported a troubling development following former President Donald Trump’s rally in Tucson, Arizona, last Thursday. Kelly noted that “as many … Read moreTrump rally mystery.: 20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump Onstage Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ After Rally in Tucson, Arizona