Calling all experts and analayzers: The kind of dream that’s hip to be square
Sometimes, dreams come and go, slipping through our fingers like sand, forgotten before we even open our eyes. But then there are nights when our dreams refuse to let go, clinging to our minds with their surreal imagery and cryptic messages. Last night was one of those nights for me. And trust me, the dreams … Read moreCalling all experts and analayzers: The kind of dream that’s hip to be square
Lightning strikes on a new year
A Flash of 2024 or an Omen for 2025? As the clock struck midnight, we welcomed the arrival of a brand-new 2025. While we did that, an unusual moment unfolded just hours before the New Year’s celebrations reached their peak, leaving us to wonder: was this nature’s final exclamation point on 2024, or a foreboding … Read moreLightning strikes on a new year
Milton the devil
People watching satellite imagery of Hurricane Milton last night, we’re confronted briefly with what appeared to be a demonic scowl looking back. The series of satellite images posted on several different message boards in Facebook pages have found common ground amongst observers. It looks like a face, and it looks evil as hell. All the … Read moreMilton the devil
The Shroud of AI
So we now see what Jesus would look like based on the Shroud of Turin.. and we agree with Clyde lewis. It makes me creeped and uneasy too..
Drink before the war
Interesting night. I guess we don’t have much longer until World War 3 begins. Some news stations have picked up the story of a new Indian astrologer, who’s being called a modern Nostradamus. He apparently predicts that World War 3 will begin tomorrow. Just when you get ready to laugh that off, you see a … Read moreDrink before the war
LATE NIGHT WITH THE DEVIL earns $666,666 on Palm Sunday
On one of the holiest days of the year, the devil achieves a 666..
Return of the uptown clowns!
We must be on an old timeline again with our newsfeeds once against being doused by Halloween clowns!
News sites in constant need of hits and traffic is calling it a “killer clown”.. claiming it is roaming the streets of a sleepy village. Scary.
The Atlantic has an interesting report on the now retiring Mitt Romney fears his own death
Mitt Romney has a morbid fear and curiosity about death.