This is the outfit that Lindsey Logan chose to wear while she was performing community service. Fashion police online have swarmed in to offer ruthless tirades of brutal criticism … A part of me thinks people should lay off, let her be.. and let her wear whatever she wants to. She sports the sultry community … Read more

The simple swat at a fruit fly suddenly can make you feel thoroughly guilty

Next time you restlessly try to catch a fruit fly floating around your kitchen (and good luck trying) consider this: Caltech has released results of a study in which they conclude, in certain circumstances, fruit fly exhibit emotions! From creepy shadows to even the person chasing the fly, there may be an emotional surge of … Read moreThe simple swat at a fruit fly suddenly can make you feel thoroughly guilty

There was no need for an evolutionary equal pay law: It was natural in most of recorded history, says a new study

New science now revealed: Early humans, we are told by leading anthropologists, had general equality. A research study concludes that for most of the evolutionary history of human, both genders had equal footing in the chaotic game of life..  MORE:  Mark Dyble, the leading anthropologist on the study at University College London, said: “There is still … Read moreThere was no need for an evolutionary equal pay law: It was natural in most of recorded history, says a new study

I can explain the headline. But I sure can’t comprehend the body

The Large Hadron Collider, now fired up and colliding with energy, have observed a rare and new decay of the Bs particle.. It is a previously unseen subatomic process that only occurs about four times out of a billion, an advance that may help explain the imbalance of matter and antimatter in the universe.. The … Read moreI can explain the headline. But I sure can’t comprehend the body

The FBI and Homeland Security (really?) are responding to a shocking goatse photo bomb in ATLANTA.. The photograph is sickening. If you’d like the full effect and not the blurred version, follow the links through to IMGUR and REDDIT where you can see the picture in full glory. And it is horrifying. But for top … Read more

Who paved the road to ISIS?

A long look back: Who created ISIS? That question has suddenly became a campaign issue for Jeb Bush. But it is also an American issue–a question that should be answered with some thorough facts. NEW YORK attempts to begin putting the puzzle together–though it neglects to talk about weapons that the United States, under Obama, … Read moreWho paved the road to ISIS?

Speed controls have been installed on ‘dead man’s curve,’ the crash site in Philadelphia.. But that may only be a part of the story.. There is still intrigue swirling not only around the engineer of the train, but also the eyewitnesses and visual evidence that something really big and fast hit the train prior to … Read more

More death of the coal region news

I feature some telling headlines from my hometown now and then, today’s offers more compelling information that the dream of the coal region, once filled with hope and coal in veins, is slowly becoming a relic of a past generation.. Catholic parishes in Ashland, Gordon and Girardville to merge This is a double whammy, of … Read moreMore death of the coal region news