The TNT network isn’t airing an episode of its drama…

The TNT network isn’t airing an episode of its drama “Legends” on Monday because it depicts a terrorist shooting into a crowd in Paris. The network instead re-aired a rerun of “Legends” that was originally shown a few weeks ago… This seems to be an unending pattern. Remember this year when that horrid live shooting … Read moreThe TNT network isn’t airing an episode of its drama…

Images from Syria.. the refugee crisis .. and the sights and sounds of warfare tearing a nation apart

FROM THE huffingtonpost: Look At These Photos Before You Say We Can’t Take In Syrian Refugees If we close our borders to Syrians, this is what we’re leaving them to face. This article appearing on the HUFFINGTON POST offers up images to stir emotions.. Emotions are running high in the United States.. several governors have declared … Read moreImages from Syria.. the refugee crisis .. and the sights and sounds of warfare tearing a nation apart

72 hours before Paris attacks, ISIS-linked social media account reveals ‘God bless you in your mission’

72 hours before Paris attacks, ISIS-linked social media account reveals ‘God bless you in your mission’ : From the FOX NEWS report: “Separately, Fox News has learned that four credible, ISIS-linked social media accounts began sharing messages 72 hours before the Paris attack, including images of weapons, the Eiffel tower, as well as blessings for … Read more72 hours before Paris attacks, ISIS-linked social media account reveals ‘God bless you in your mission’

NBC News has learned that ISIS is using a web-savvy new tactic to expand its global operational footprint — a 24-hour Jihadi Help Desk to help its foot soldiers spread its message worldwide, recruit followers and launch more attacks on foreign soil.

NBC News has learned that ISIS is using a web-savvy new tactic to expand its global operational footprint — a 24-hour Jihadi Help Desk to help its foot soldiers spread its message worldwide, recruit followers and launch more attacks on foreign soil.


Multiple reports vary on how many people killed or hurt.. Now information revealed that victims were in multiple classrooms.. Federal agencies responded…. More : MORE.. A 20-year-old man opened fire on the campus at 10:38 a.m. Wednesday in Snyder hall. Kortney Moore was in a writing class when a shot came through the window. … Read moreOREGON SHOOTING AT SCHOOL CAMPUS