A jab and a prayer!

Pfizer chairman Albert Bourla told Dateline host Lester Holt that the pharmaceutical company was “not certain” if the vaccine prevented the coronavirus from being transmitted, saying, “This is something that needs to be examined.”

This statement has caused some raised eyebrows amongst people today in the aftermath of the comments, along with this Pfizer has also stated that they have now dropped the production of their vaccine by half because of supply chain issues.

It was already known that one of the major difficulties with any vaccine was going to be the abnormally low temperatures that the shot must be kept at, along with the short lifespan the vaccine will have before getting delivered into the arms of people.

However, a less talked about but equally concerning obstacle will be the fact that many will have to be choir to get two different shots, and possibly boosters 3 to 6 months later. many have expressed concerns that some side effects could become so unpleasant that people refuse to go back for the second shot or future boosters.

The new interesting information being presented is another component that some have speculated about in private but public commentary has been lacking. Will vaccines actually spread the virus?!

While all of these alarmist details may scare some, it is fair to say that even though the vaccine is being fast tracked it is going through rigid safety protocols.

Some have acknowledged fear based off of Pfizer‘s release that they are cutting the vaccine distribution and a half. Others have stated that it shows visors being responsible and not planning on eating stirring something that will cause more harm than goodSome have acknowledged fear based off of Pfizer‘s release that they are cutting the vaccine distribution and a half. Others have stated that it shows visors being responsible and not planning on eating stirring something that will cause more harm than good.

Unfortunately the Wall Street Journal article does not go into very many details about the supply chains issues, or whatever substandard issues were taking place to cause the vaccine to be cut in half.