Assassination attempt!! Trump shot at in Pennsylvania  rally!! Telepromoter glass shattered at his face.. others shot.. Raises fist in defiance and taken off the stage with bloodied face

Photos.. Just in: NEW FROM PA STATE POLICE SOURCES:President Trump was not struck by a bullet, but hit by glass fragments believed to have come from the shattered teleprompter from the gunfire. They were real bullets. They hit at least 2 people behind or near the stage and possibly more… Secret Service says President is … Read moreAssassination attempt!! Trump shot at in Pennsylvania  rally!! Telepromoter glass shattered at his face.. others shot.. Raises fist in defiance and taken off the stage with bloodied face

Morocco quake leaves hundreds dead

Developing .. Hundreds of people have been killed after a powerful 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck Morocco on Friday night. The epicenter was in the High Atlas mountains, about 72 kilometers (44.7 miles) southwest of Marrakech, a city of some 840,000 people and a popular tourist destination. The quake was the strongest to hit that part of … Read moreMorocco quake leaves hundreds dead