At this point investigators need to be determining e if this was intentionally done

Yahoo news reporting this tonight: New troubling details are emerging about the livery cab driver who survived the fatal crash of journalist Bob Simon in a car accident this week. Police have confirmed that the Lincoln Town Car transporting the longtime “60 Minutes” correspondent to a medical talk about Ebola on Wednesday night sped up … Read moreAt this point investigators need to be determining e if this was intentionally done


Until I saw—quite literally—a black cat walk underneath a ladder this morning, I completely forgot the calender read Friday the 13th.. So for all of those out there with that sick sense of doom lurking behind every bad event, happy day to you all.. In 2004, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC detailed the horror that some people face … Read moreFRIDAY THE 13TH

Art Bell scrubs DARK MATTER RADIO plans? Bumper music is the reason

Art Bell’s words speak volumes: I have some very sad news to report, barring some sort of miracle there will be NO Dark Matter Radio show. Here is why: I will be unable to use ANY Bumper music, I will be unable to use any Theme music. The cost of using even the small amount … Read moreArt Bell scrubs DARK MATTER RADIO plans? Bumper music is the reason


This is a story from my local area–but worthy of some attention from fans of the macabre or slightly paranormal.. In Auburn, PA, a tiny little hamlet in Schuylkill County, a secret existed behind the walls of a quaint house.. FOX 43 ran a story about the Bretzius and their discovery of a disturbing secret behind their … Read moreTHE PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH NEVER CLEANED UP AFTER A POWWOW

Mr. TV head man is about to rule your world. And then some.

Samsung TVs freak users out by inserting ads into movies » You’re used to ads in regular TV programming, but what would you say if your smart TV started inserting ads into videos you own? If people are creeped out by this, they must have missed last week’s big news that SAMSUNG is warning purchasers … Read moreMr. TV head man is about to rule your world. And then some.