A meteor may have shaken parts of New York City and New jersey

Residents in parts of New York City and New Jersey were shaken by a loud boom Tuesday July 16 morning.. NASA officials saying it was likely due to a daylight fireball meteor. NASA’s Meteor Watch team reports that the daylight fireball was seen at 11:17 a.m. ET, according to an update shared to Facebook Tuesday … Read moreA meteor may have shaken parts of New York City and New jersey

NASA predicts an asteroid has a 72 percent chance of hitting Earth in 2038

https://www.the-express.com/news/space-news/141313/nasa-asteroid-collision-exercise-earth-space In a hypothetical scenario posed to a group of nearly 100 government representatives, NASA found that their plan to combat the asteroid hurtling towards Earth had several “high-level gaps,” according to their presentation. They said space officials have “limited readiness to quickly implement needed space missions,” and methods to keep the public informed on … Read moreNASA predicts an asteroid has a 72 percent chance of hitting Earth in 2038

New Earth-Like Volcanic World Discovered Just 86 Light-Years Away

The planet, called LP 791-18 d, is akin to both Earth and to Jupiter’s moon Io, the most volcanic world in the solar system, which NASA spacecraft Juno photographed earlier this week. Published on Wednesday in the journal Nature, a new paper reveals a new, roughly Earth-sized temperate world around a nearby small star that … Read moreNew Earth-Like Volcanic World Discovered Just 86 Light-Years Away