NASA predicts an asteroid has a 72 percent chance of hitting Earth in 2038 In a hypothetical scenario posed to a group of nearly 100 government representatives, NASA found that their plan to combat the asteroid hurtling towards Earth had several “high-level gaps,” according to their presentation. They said space officials have “limited readiness to quickly implement needed space missions,” and methods to keep the public informed on … Read moreNASA predicts an asteroid has a 72 percent chance of hitting Earth in 2038

CNN proclaims that Biden will release James Webb images

Why is this being made political? This is an amazing scientific event. How about the headline reading ‘scientists excited to release images from Webb telescope..? Hard work over years has paid off.. (PS We would believe and say the same thing if this was Trump or any previous president) .. Either way, we are excited … Read moreCNN proclaims that Biden will release James Webb images

NASA Announces death of the International Space Station in 2031!!

NASA says it plans to retire the International Space Station in 2031 by crashing it into an uninhabited stretch of the Pacific Ocean. Phil McAlister, director of commercial space at NASA Headquarters, said in a press release that the private sector will be taking the lead on the development of future space station projects and that NASA will help … Read moreNASA Announces death of the International Space Station in 2031!!

Wind breaks on Mars! And we can hear it

[youtube] It may be best heard with headphones.. The video was shared by NASA and, according to the space agency, captures the sound of a northwest Martian wind blowing at 10 to 15 mph.. “Capturing this audio was an unplanned treat,” said Bruce Banerdt, InSight principal investigator at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in … Read moreWind breaks on Mars! And we can hear it


[youtube] URINE IN SPACE!TRUMP WON’T DRINK!ANY RUSSIAN TAPES TO SAY OTHERWISE!? “Water is such a precious resource up here that we also are cleaning up our urine and making it drinkable – and it’s really not as bad as it sounds,” said Peggy Whiston. In a live interview with President Donald Trump, the record-breaking … Read moreURINE IN SPACE! TRUMP WON’T DRINK! ANY RUSSIAN TAPES TO SAY OTHERWISE!?

The big news from NASA and what wasn’t said

Did you hear about TRAPPIST-1? A AMAZING SYSTEM WITH 7 EARTH-LIKE EXOPLANETS! That is amazing news.. exciting news. You may have to put away the political section or turn off the mainstream news to actually even hear about this monumental NASA announcement, but it’s there if you want to read it .. see it.. Astronomers … Read moreThe big news from NASA and what wasn’t said

Kepler’s big day!! More planets to potentially find life!?

This is exciting.. Just when you lost hope in finding life out there somewhere! There are 1284 more new exoplanets to study! The big announcement came from NASA today — they are doubling down on earlier projections of planets that could contain life. “One of the great questions of all time, and one of NASA’s objective’s, … Read moreKepler’s big day!! More planets to potentially find life!?