New years resolution: Let’s go (BACK H0ME?) to Mars!

A declassified document reveals the CIA secretly used astral projection/remote viewing in 1984 to visit Mars … … 1 million years in the past. This experiment was conducted under the Stargate Project, a secret Army team tasked with investigating ‘psychic phenomena’—primarily remote viewing—and their potential military/intelligence applications.

Mars attacks: Stuck in the mud

The hexagonal patterns discovered on Mars are formed when an area has extended wet seasons followed by extended dry ones. It has been known for a while that Mars contains the dried vestiges of rivers, lakes, and even seas as the study noted, “The presence of perennially wet surface environments on early Mars is well documented”. 

Valentine’s Day Mars Rover massacre: The final words

After all these years–15 to be exact–the Mars Rover is dead.Gone..Transmission last.. But it was a miracle in nature! After all, NASA’s six-wheeled rover landed on the red planet in January 2004 for what billed as a 90-day mission. The robot was still going until a dust storm on Mars last summer killed it. From … Read moreValentine’s Day Mars Rover massacre: The final words

Wind breaks on Mars! And we can hear it

[youtube] It may be best heard with headphones.. The video was shared by NASA and, according to the space agency, captures the sound of a northwest Martian wind blowing at 10 to 15 mph.. “Capturing this audio was an unplanned treat,” said Bruce Banerdt, InSight principal investigator at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in … Read moreWind breaks on Mars! And we can hear it

For more than a month now, a European orbiter circling Marshas…

For more than a month now, a European orbiter circling Marshas been watching a long, plume-like cloud on the Red Planet. The cloud has remained in place over a mountain called Arsia Mons near the Martian equator since Sept. 13, according to a statement released by the European Space Agency (ESA). But that location is … Read moreFor more than a month now, a European orbiter circling Marshas…

The recent Mars dust storm went global!

NASA is reporting about how the dust storm that started small went global on the red planet: NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) provided the earliest insights on May 30 when it observed an accumulation of dust in the atmosphere near Perseverance Valley, where NASA’s Opportunity rover is exploring. The increasingly hazy storm, the biggest since … Read moreThe recent Mars dust storm went global!

There is water on Mars. There is not water on Mars. There is water on Mars.

A cross-section of underground ice is exposed at the steep slope that appears bright blue in this enhanced-color view from the HiRISE camera on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The scene is about 550 yards wide. The scarp drops about 140 yards from the level ground in the upper third of the image.Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UA/USGS This could … Read moreThere is water on Mars. There is not water on Mars. There is water on Mars.

The Mars that once was Scientists have located an impact crater…

The Mars that once was Scientists have located an impact crater linked to powerful tsunamis that swept across part of ancient Mars. The team believe an asteroid triggered 150m-high waves when it plunged into an ocean thought to have existed on northern Mars three billion years ago. Lomonosov crater in the planet’s northern plains fits … Read moreThe Mars that once was Scientists have located an impact crater…