FOURTH OF JULY FOLLIES: 240 years of stories to warm the heart

America’s birthday! Fireworks galore. The United States.. 240 more. On holidays like today, traditions reign supreme. Cookouts are the thing. Americana, right? Though yesterday I read an interesting LA TIMES editorial piece describing how, according to the author, barbecues have been ruined by vegetarians and lactose, or wheat intolerant guests. Everything is touchy, now. Including … Read moreFOURTH OF JULY FOLLIES: 240 years of stories to warm the heart

[youtube] The Ragged Old Flag by Johnny Cash. America. Nostalgia. The good old days weren’t always that good. Tomorrow ain’t as bad as it seems..

AMERICA THE PARANOID Welcome to your July 4, 2015.. fear, dreadful fear, has enveloped the entire nation. From sea to horrible sea, we are living in a state of anxiety.. abundant horror.. That previous paragraph was written in complete sarcasm. So turn off the news for the 4th and live some life and get back your heart and … Read more

[youtube] Every year I present my favorite piece of nostalgia from pop culture.. The Fourth of July finale of the WONDER YEARS..  The show captured what Americana still exists in me–the idea that the past is in your little home town but the future so often leaves it.. The meaning of it, and the … Read more

[youtube] Mark Dice strikes again. What is worse: People thinking America is 2,015 years old? Or people celebrating without having a clue as to the country we declared independence from (Except tourists in America, who have  much more knowledge than Americans) ?