PR stunt today attempts to turn tables as pendulum swung against her.. CNN fired her. And the President questioned her mental health. Today.. Tears… for fears.. “That apology absolutely stands,” Griffin said at the packed morning news conference held at her attorney’s office in Woodland Hills. “I apologized because it was the right thing to … Read moreKATHY GRIFFIN ‘ABOUT FACE’

WIRED magazines opines: Discontinuing the NES Classic Is a Classic Nintendo Mistake

WIRED magazines opines: Discontinuing the NES Classic Is a Classic Nintendo Mistake: All of this written by Julie Muncy at WIRED: Considering the dizzying popularity of the NES Classic—Nintendo reported in January that they had sold 1.5 million units—it’s difficult to find the logic in ending production. The product’s entire brief life seems, in hindsight, … Read moreWIRED magazines opines: Discontinuing the NES Classic Is a Classic Nintendo Mistake

South Koreans celebrate ‘black day’ with noodles while nuclear war threats get made

REUTERS reports this interesting piece of information:  Many South Koreans marked “Black Day” on Friday, but it had nothing to do with concerns that North Korea may conduct a weapons test, or that the United States, the South’s main ally, may launch a pre-emptive strike to stop it. It had nothing to do with Good … Read moreSouth Koreans celebrate ‘black day’ with noodles while nuclear war threats get made

Reviewer writes that she is Haunted By ‘Get Out’ — But Not Because It’s A Horror Film

Reviewer writes that she is Haunted By ‘Get Out’ — But Not Because It’s A Horror Film: GET OUT continues to garner media praise and reviewer praise alike.. while not at 100% on Rotten Tomatoes at this point, the film is still scoring above 97% and is widely loved by professional and amateur reviews alike.. … Read moreReviewer writes that she is Haunted By ‘Get Out’ — But Not Because It’s A Horror Film

Will SNL get old?

coalspeaker: The NEW YORK TIMES has a good story about how, just maybe, the constant Trump humor on SNL will get to be overdone.. too much.. stale.. FROM THE TIMES If President Trump’s shock-and-awe attack on truth, decorum and liberal sensibilities is intended to bludgeon his opponents into submission, “Saturday Night Live” felt like his … Read moreWill SNL get old?

Horror movie fans celebrate Valentine’s Day too!

Marketing mayhem across America! Hearts and roses, flowers and dinners.. major nervousness starts to set in when you don’t have the perfect gift by about, oh… this weekend.. Valentine’s Day is coming fast. Pop Culture tells us that we need to have a gift in our back pocket at the ready for the special day. … Read moreHorror movie fans celebrate Valentine’s Day too!


Goodbye old century!  The new net of Facebook, less creativity, and ‘socials’ is here.. the ghetto of socials.. Take this news for instance: IMDB is announcing on its site that a primary reason so many have visited and stayed through the years is going away. Their message boards are over February 20 .. No love is … Read moreIMDB SHUTTING DOWN MESSAGE BOARDS!


THE ANTI SOCIAL MEDIA. AND ALL THE BAD FRIENDSHIPS. You are being a bad friend!! So says a new article posted in the NEW YORK POST, all about how our constant reliance on social media is creating a terrible person out of everyone. And I believe it. We are getting winded by the steady stream … Read moreTHE ANTI SOCIAL MEDIA. AND ALL THE BAD FRIENDSHIPS. You are…

Black Mirror Mania: I love this show

I love this show.. I have avidly watched it since the program’s inception onto NETFLIX.. The pigs.. The tech… The lessons of morality and the consequences of people’s dirty deeds online. The future is now. Evident in this program: The cautionary tales of horror that can happen when tech goes wrong and the virtue of … Read moreBlack Mirror Mania: I love this show