It is always a bright day when NEXPO drops
This video focuses on and how Disney ended up being its owner.. Pretty fascinating and addictive, like always is the content from NEXPO..A great internet mystery detailed!
Ruby Franke, Utah YouTuber, arrested on abuse charges after malnourished child in duct tape found!
Another social media ‘influencers’ crashes .. it is disgusting in this case.
Google feeling lucky: Secrets now coming out
GMAILed… BOMBSHELL REPORT on how the internet giant continues to let hundreds of outside software developers scan the inboxes of millions of Gmail users who signed up for email-based services offering shopping price comparisons, automated travel-itinerary planners or other tools. Google does little to police those developers, who train their computers—and, in some cases, employees—to read … Read moreGoogle feeling lucky: Secrets now coming out
AIM IS DEAD!LONG LIVE AIM! AOL Instant Messenger died a silent death today. It was announced many months ago that the messaging service would cease to exist in December. And today? It was over. DEAD.. From AOL: We know there are so many loyal fans who have used AIM for decades; and we loved working … Read moreAIM IS DEAD! LONG LIVE AIM!
Goodbye old century! The new net of Facebook, less creativity, and ‘socials’ is here.. the ghetto of socials.. Take this news for instance: IMDB is announcing on its site that a primary reason so many have visited and stayed through the years is going away. Their message boards are over February 20 .. No love is … Read moreIMDB SHUTTING DOWN MESSAGE BOARDS!
Black Mirror Mania: I love this show
I love this show.. I have avidly watched it since the program’s inception onto NETFLIX.. The pigs.. The tech… The lessons of morality and the consequences of people’s dirty deeds online. The future is now. Evident in this program: The cautionary tales of horror that can happen when tech goes wrong and the virtue of … Read moreBlack Mirror Mania: I love this show
The kids aren’t alright: Meth nation on Tumblr
Tumblr.. the mighty fine place of the modern age that replaced the mighty fine sites of the previous. Tumblr is a mixture of Geocities and Myspace. Moving GIFs, glitter all over pages.. Websites made to be ugly instead of professional. Bloggers–many teenagers have taken to the platform–repost photos all day.. GEEK reports that one of … Read moreThe kids aren’t alright: Meth nation on Tumblr
FBI warns of cyber threat
Regardless of season or world menace, the threat that keeps on threatening: Cyber attacks and the grid collapse. Bill Gertz dispatches this in the FREE BEACON: The nationwide campaign by DHS and the FBI began March 31 and includes 12 briefings and online webinars for electrical power infrastructure companies and others involved in security, with sessions … Read moreFBI warns of cyber threat
A last minute selfie gift for Christmas
The selfie stick.. both dreaded and admired at the same time.. slowly picking up steam.. others laugh. But then they secretly desire it. But this year you can spice things up a bit more with the new and improved selfie stick.. one that looks like you’ve gotten an arm extension.. The invention was created by author … Read moreA last minute selfie gift for Christmas