You’re looking at a very close image of a Chicken McNugget. Not lovin’ it: McDonalds “Chicken” McNuggets contain 60% fat, bone, and cartilage.. It’s not big shock, if you have ever had to eat the so-called food product before, you’ll know that it goes far beyond mystery meat.. it’s a meatless mystery—and now we see it’s … Read moreMcMcDON’T!

Tuesday terrors..

TUESDAY OCTOBER 8 2013 Cops arrest Vietnam vets at memorial in New York City..The crime? They did not adhere to the 10pm curfew..Video.. If the government shutdown continues, the United States nuclear Regulatory Commission will stop operating.. They will run out of funds this week.. One scientist is now on record saying “Yes, I’m worried.” … Read moreTuesday terrors..

The timing is amazing.. just when the real NASA program is dying a slow death on earth, GRAVITY soars in the box office–dreamers are still dreaming.. Sadly the politicians and lawmakers have ceased the celebrated race to the stars, and replaced it with logjams and arguments over 20th century technology. We’re so over that. GRAVITY’s … Read more