Medical emergencies and rumors of medical emergencies

Get ready for a strange time in the race for the presidency.. Late Friday night as an exclusive ABC interview with President Biden conducted by George Stephanopolis was set to air, X users such as Laura Loomer spread Information that Biden had a medical emergency abroad Air Force One. Rumors that eventually appeared to be … Read moreMedical emergencies and rumors of medical emergencies

Mystery! UFO caught on camera hovering over Air Force One at LAX during Joe Biden’s fundraising trip to Los Angeles

The spherical white or silver object was filmed several times over LAX airport and spotted by multiple witnesses. Explanations range from a mere balloon, to an alien probe searching for intelligent life. Either way it appeared to give up on the President’s entourage after less than an hour.  The object caused a stir on social … Read moreMystery! UFO caught on camera hovering over Air Force One at LAX during Joe Biden’s fundraising trip to Los Angeles

Officials: ‘No threat’ after Bidens temporarily moved from Delaware beach house following airspace incident

President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden were moved from their Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, home as a precautionary measure on Saturday afternoon after a small private plane entered restricted airspace, a White House official said. “A small private plane entered restricted airspace, all indications are by mistake, and precautionary measures were taken,” an official … Read moreOfficials: ‘No threat’ after Bidens temporarily moved from Delaware beach house following airspace incident

AP reports on ‘All-out effort’ to keep Biden COVID-free

When President Joe Biden met with U.S. governors at the White House on Monday, he was the only one given a glass of water — lest anyone else remove their mask to take a drink. The president was seated more than 10 feet from everyone, including Vice President Kamala Harris and members of his Cabinet. … Read moreAP reports on ‘All-out effort’ to keep Biden COVID-free