Halloween reboot in the works

Halloween reboot in the works The already overdone and failed concept of endless Halloween movies is going to get another run. And just in case there are any people still looking forward to it, read the exclusive MOVIE HOLE infornation they obtained: Titled “Halloween Returns”, the new project will be a standalone film set to … Read moreHalloween reboot in the works


[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoPsjWqvwT4?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque] Expect to hear lots about this movie soon.. THE NIGHTMARE is a documentary that follows the stories of several people who are afflicted from sleep paralysis.. and along with that curse, they all seem to see the same things: Hat man, shadow people, the same voices talking.. There may be tricks in the … Read moreTHE NEW NIGHTMARE

IT FOLLOWS review roundup and theater locations

The movie is being released in a limited capacity today.. but that doesn’t matter to reviewers and fans of horror. The film has attracted untold amounts of attention through intelligent social media buzz and positive reviews–the film is boasting a near 100% rating on ROTTEN TOMATOES. Those types of things don’t happen too often.. Here’s … Read moreIT FOLLOWS review roundup and theater locations

IT FOLLOWS: Heard from a review, who heard from a review, who heard from a review this is going to be a good movie

The IT FOLLOWS heat is on.. The upcoming horror movie, much anticipated, is being heralded by some reviews as not only the best of 2015 but also the best in a long while.. A Samuel Zimmerman review on SHOCK TIL YOU DROP sets the stage: How they converge is, brilliantly, in this aforementioned post-coital curse, … Read moreIT FOLLOWS: Heard from a review, who heard from a review, who heard from a review this is going to be a good movie