Ethan Hawke freak out

Universal Pictures unveiled a packed trailer for its upcoming Blumhouse horror thriller “The Black Phone” this past week, during a presentation to the annual convention of movie theater owners in Las Vegas. Reuniting Ethan Hawke with his “Sinister” writer-director Scott Derrickson, the project is adapted from a short story by Joe Hill. Hawke delivers a bone-chilling performance … Read moreEthan Hawke freak out

Singapore school sends in the clowns. Parents call the police

clown inside tunnel

Isn’t the clown show one that belongs to 2016? APPARENTLY THE TIMELINE HAS BROKEN! This is what mainstream media is reporting in the Washington POST: Multiple clowns have been spotted loitering outside schools in Singapore – staring intently, approaching pupils and allegedly asking the young children to follow them. Their unnerving presence sparked a flurry … Read moreSingapore school sends in the clowns. Parents call the police

The Drudge show hits IMPEACHMENT

It is great to see Matt Drudge showcase himself again on his own website.. There is absolutely no doubt that the Drudge Report changed the world, started a media revolution.. and for better or worse paved the way for what we are dealing with today… Drudge showed the media that a glamor job on a … Read moreThe Drudge show hits IMPEACHMENT


australia map

Right now Australia is embroiled in political protests over COVID lockdowns (the government there is actually barring media outlets from filming the crowd from helicopters!) The governmenwt has suspended all construction for 2 weeks.. that will cause some issues now that more than a few places have been dealt damage from really puzzling earthquakes that … Read moreTHE LAND OF OZ HAS STRANGE SHAKING GOING ON

Earth has yet another phew moment

dark night sky with bright stars

Named 2021 SG, an asteroid flew close to the planet on September 16, but because it came from the direction of the Sun, scientists didn’t see it coming… Think about that.. Where were you on September 16 when you had no idea this was occurring? According to the NASA-backed International Astronomical Union’s Minor Planet Center, the … Read moreEarth has yet another phew moment

Beautiful new GHOSTBUSTERS AFTERLIFE posters

The studio has released two beautiful new Ghostbusters movie posters. The film is still set to release near Thanksgiving, crossing fingers on that, right? There has been quite the build up to this film since it was delayed because of Covid.. Now as its release date is set near the holiday in November, all eyes … Read moreBeautiful new GHOSTBUSTERS AFTERLIFE posters

Drama on La Palma: Toxic gas, new rivers of molten lava endanger Spanish island

Authorities on a Spanish island warned Tuesday that more dangers lie ahead for residents, including earthquakes, lava flows, toxic gases, volcanic ash and acid rain. Several small earthquakes shook the island of La Palma in the Atlantic Ocean off northwest Africa on Tuesday, keeping nerves on edge after a volcanic eruption on Sunday. The island, … Read moreDrama on La Palma: Toxic gas, new rivers of molten lava endanger Spanish island

Chinese defector claims Wuhan Military Games was first Covid-19 superspreader event

But defector and democracy campaigner Wei Jingsheng made a stunning accusation in Sky News’ new documentary, What Really Happened In Wuhan, telling reporter Sharri Markson – who has also penned a book by the same name – that he believed the first Covid superspreader event could have occurred as early as October. — Read on … Read moreChinese defector claims Wuhan Military Games was first Covid-19 superspreader event

HALLOWEEN KILLS looks unforgiving and relentless

HALLOWEEN KILLS look unrelenting.. On the anniversary of 9/11, it appears that Michael Myers will slaughter firefighters… There appears to be no forgiveness.. The newest HALLOWEEN KILLS trailer begins with two children telling a woman (Kyle Richards’ Lindsey Wallace) about a man in a creepy white mask playing hide-and-seek with them. That man, of course, … Read moreHALLOWEEN KILLS looks unforgiving and relentless


The “Do’s and Don’t’s” from the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic…. MORE…. COVID-19 has now killed about as many Americans as the 1918-19 Spanish flu pandemic did — approximately 675,000. The U.S. population a century ago was just one-third of what it is today, meaning the flu cut a much bigger, more lethal swath through the … Read moreSPANISH FLU VS COVID